Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Why the jail am I doing this ?

intrinsic goal orientation is the degree to which students perceive themselves to be participating in a learning task for reasons such as challenge, curiosity, and mastery

An intrinsically motivated student is likely to display autonomy and employ self-initiated exploratory strategies.

By contrast, for a student high in extrinsic goal orientation, engaging in a
learning task is the means to an end. 

An extrinsically motivated student seeks approval and external signs of worth and is more likely to ask procedural questions than content-enhancing questions (Sansone & Smith, 2000).

Vallerand and Bissonnette (1992) assessed intrinsic and extrinsic motivational
styles as predictors of behavioral persistence in college students. They found that
students who persisted in their studies had higher initial levels of intrinsic motivation
toward academic activities in general than did students who dropped out,
whereas extrinsic motivation did not predict persistence.

In other words, it appears that nontraditional students maintain a higher
threshold of intrinsic motivation to learn with an accompanying increase in positive
affect. Younger students do not report the same degree of need to enjoy the
educational process to persist within the system as do older students.


Enough gobblegook.

I want.... I want ...

Or I'll just let her say it.

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